AJL  Ring


Brand name AFR (optical area of 5 mm) and AFR6 (optical area of 6 mm).
Definition Intrastromal Corneal Implants.
Arc 90°, 120°, 140°, 150°, 160°, 180°, 210°, 320° *Other arc lengths upon request.
Thickness 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35 mm.
Indications The correct indication of Ferrara Ring implants requires a detailed evaluation of the
topographic conditions and pachymetry of the cornea, in addition to a complete
visual examination.
• Progressive keratoconus.
• Keratoconus with intolerance to contact lenses.
• Corneal deformity induced by contact lenses (Harstein’s syndrome).
• Post-penetrating keratoplasty astigmatism.
• Post-Lasik corneal ectasias.
• Post-radial keratotomy astigmatism.
• Pellucid marginal degeneration.
Product description The FERRARA RING™ consists of a semicircular segment with an arc of multiple lengths
and a fixed triangular section: AFR (0.60 mm base) and AFR6 (0.80 mm base).
Single Use Implant. Each segment has an orifice of 0.20 mm at each end to facilitate its
Material Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) with natural blue light filter.
Sterilization method Ethylene Oxide (ETO).
Supply Individual sterile segment, not pyrogenic.
Shelf-life 4, 5 years

  Product with   CE   marking


Optical area AFR= Optical Ferrara Ring 5 mm
AFR6= Optical Ferrara Ring 6 mm
Thickness 0.15 mm, 0.20 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.30 mm, 0.35 mm.
Angle 90°, 100°, 110°, 120°, 130°, 140°, 150°, 160°, 170°, 180°, 190°, 200°, 210°, 320°.

Reference: AFRXXYYY

Reference: AFR6XXYYY

XX= Thickness of the ring
YYY=Angle of the ring



  • Optical Ferrara Ring 5 mm
  • Thickness 0.15 mm
  • Angle 160


  • Optical Ferrara Ring 6 mm
  • Thickness 0.20 mm
  • Angle 150°
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À propos de nous

Freedom distribution est une entreprise privée, spécialisée dans la distribution d’équipements, d’implants et d’accessoires ophtalmiques et divers technologies médicale innovante en Tunisie et en Afrique . la société propose une large gamme d’accessoires chirurgicaux hautement qualifiés, expérimentés et certifiés pour fournir un service optimal a ces partenaires. 

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